Recent News

  • Our research on using machine learning to adapt to dynamically changing task environments with a walking soft millirobot has been accepted for publication at the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) – 23 April 2021.
  • I am taking the position of the “Chief of Science” at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence of the Technical University of Munich – 1 April 2021.
  • I am joining the International Workshop on Embodied Intelligence as a co-chair and to present our research on learning how to walk on small scale soft robots – 24 March 2021.
  • I am invited to give an online talk on “Robotics and artificial intelligence solutions for medical applications” at the University of Health Sciences in Turkey – 18 March 2021.
  • I am invited to give an online talk on “Bottom-up design and control methods for adaptive robotic systems” at the School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics at the University of Bristol – 21 January 2021.
  • I am invited to give an online talk on “Bottom-up design and control methods for adaptive robotic systems” at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Northeastern University – 21 December 2020.
  • Our research article on using Bayesian Optimization to learn a miniature soft robot’s walking gait controllers is published online in the Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2020: link – 11 July 2020.
  • I am invited to give a talk on the programmable self-assembly of soft robots as a part of the Digital Futures Seminar Series at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm – 2 July 2020.
  • I am invited to give a talk on physical intelligence on soft robots at the Cluster Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) in Berlin – 25 June 2020.
  • I participated to the “Night of Ideas” Event organized by the German Federal Foreign Office’s Department for Cultural Relations and presented my work on soft robotics in Pecha Kucha style in collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: You can watch it here here – 19 June 2020.


  • I was invited to talk about my research on soft robots and artificial intelligence on the Seminar Series by the Association of Turkish Engineers and Architects in Germany. You can watch it here (available only in Turkish) – 25 May 2020.
  • Our research article on reprogrammable macroscopic self-assembly is published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS): link – 8 May 2020.
  • Our research article on using Bayesian Optimization to learn a miniature soft robot’s walking gait controllers within only a few experiments has been accepted to appear in the next Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2020 conference – 5 May 2020.
  • I am invited to the YouTube channel of Deniz Bagci to share my research projects and goals about soft robotics and artificial intelligence. (with English subtitles) You can watch it here – 2 May 2020.
  • Our work on programmable macroscopic self-assembly has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) – 26 March 2020.
  • I am invited to give a research talk on “Programmable self-assembling soft robots” at the Department of Computer Engineering at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey – 23 December 2019.
  • I am giving a research talk on “Programmable granular self-assembly with the control of dynamic boundaries” at the Crystal Engineering of Functional Materials session of the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA – 2 December 2019.
  • I am invited to give a research talk on “Design approaches on soft robots from to macro scales” at the Automation and MicroMechatronics Department of the FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France – 26 September 2019.
  • I am giving a research talk on “Programmable granular self-assembly” at the Gordon Research Seminar of the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Soft Condensed Matter Physics, New London, NH, USA – 11 August 2019.
  • Our research group at MPI-IS received the Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on our project proposal titled ” Soft-bodied Miniature Mobile Robots” – 20 March 2019.
  • Our research group at MPI-IS received the Research Grant under the SPP 2100 Soft Material Robotic Systems Call from the German Research Foundation ( Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG ) on our project proposal titled “Design Methodology for Soft-Bodied Miniature Robot Locomotion” – 20 March 2019.

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